MDENet is the expert network for model-driven engineering. I am the director of this EPSRC funded network, together with Perdita Stevens from the University of Edinburgh. More information about the network is available on the network website.
The network was funded by EPSRC from 2020 to 2023, with an extension into 2024, and led to the creation of an international network.
@article{MunozEtAl24,author={Muñoz, Paula and Zschaler, Steffen and Paige, Richard F.},journal={Science of Computer Programming},title={Preface to the special issue on success stories in model driven engineering},year={2024},issn={0167-6423},pages={103072},volume={233},doi={10.1016/j.scico.2023.103072},url={},}
@article{KienzleZschaler24,author={Kienzle, J{\"o}rg and Zschaler, Steffen and Barnett, William and Sa{\u{g}}lam, Timur and Bucchiarone, Antonio and Abrah{\~a}o, Silvia and Syriani, Eugene and Kolovos, Dimitris and Lethbridge, Timothy and Mustafiz, Sadaf and Meacham, Sofia},title={Requirements for Modelling Tools for Teaching},journal={Software and Systems Modelling},volume={23},pages={1055--1073},year={2024},url={\url{}},doi={10.1007/s10270-024-01192-y},}
@inproceedings{ZschalerEtAl24,author={Zschaler, Steffen and Barnett, Will and Boronat, Artur and Garcia-Dominguez, Antonio and Kolovos, Dimitris},title={Move your MDE teaching online: The MDENet Education Platform},booktitle={27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS'24): Tools and Demonstrations},year={2024},url={\url{}},}
Designing Learning Paths with Open Educational Resources: A Case Study in Model-Driven Engineering
Antonio Bucchiarone, Andrea Vazquez-Ingelmo, Gianluca Schiavo, and 3 more authors
In 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2023
@inproceedings{BucchiaroneEtAl23a,author={Bucchiarone, Antonio and Vazquez-Ingelmo, Andrea and Schiavo, Gianluca and Garcia-Holgado, Alicia and Garcia-Penalvo, Francisco and Zschaler, Steffen},title={Designing Learning Paths with Open Educational Resources: A Case Study in Model-Driven Engineering},year={2023},booktitle={18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies},}
Towards Personalized Learning Paths to Empower Competency Development in Model Driven Engineering through the ENCORE platform
Antonio Bucchiarone, Andrea Vazquez-Ingelmo, Gianluca Schiavo, and 7 more authors
@inproceedings{BucchiaroneEtAl23b,author={Bucchiarone, Antonio and Vazquez-Ingelmo, Andrea and Schiavo, Gianluca and Barandoni, Simone and Garcia-Holgado, Alicia and Garcia-Penalvo, Francisco Jose and Mosser, Sebastien and Pierantonio, Alfonso and Zschaler, Steffen and Barnett, William},title={Towards Personalized Learning Paths to Empower Competency Development in Model Driven Engineering through the {ENCORE} platform},booktitle={Proc. Educators Symposium at MODELS 2023},year={2023},}
An Online Education Platform for Teaching MDE
Will Barnett, Steffen Zschaler, Artur Boronat, and 2 more authors
@inproceedings{BarnettEtAl23,author={Barnett, Will and Zschaler, Steffen and Boronat, Artur and Garcia-Dominguez, Antonio and Kolovos, Dimitris},title={An Online Education Platform for Teaching {MDE}},booktitle={Proc. Educators Symposium at MODELS 2023},year={2023},}
Automatic Inference of Smart Data Discovery Interfaces for Rare Disease Datasets
Artur Boronat, Adekunle Ademeyo, Mehdi Mehtarizadeh, and 1 more author
In 3rd International Health Data Workshop (HEDA’23), 2023
@inproceedings{BoronatEtAl23,author={Boronat, Artur and Ademeyo, Adekunle and Mehtarizadeh, Mehdi and Zschaler, Steffen},title={Automatic Inference of Smart Data Discovery Interfaces for Rare Disease Datasets},booktitle={3rd International Health Data Workshop (HEDA'23)},year={2023},}
Abstraction Engineering
Nelly Bencomo, Jordi Cabot, Marsha Chechik, and 4 more authors
@misc{BencomoEtAl24,author={Bencomo, Nelly and Cabot, Jordi and Chechik, Marsha and Cheng, Betty H. C. and Combemale, Benoit and Wąsowski, Andrzej and Zschaler, Steffen},title={Abstraction Engineering},year={2024},url={\url{}},doi={10.48550/arXiv.2408.14074},}