Steffen Zschaler


King's College Strand Campus, Bush House, room BH(N)7.01

I am a Reader in Software Engineering at the Department of Informatics at King’s College London (see what student’s have to say) and a Visiting Scientist at the Francis Crick Institute. I am a member of the Software Systems (SSY) group. I also direct MDENet: the expert network for model-driven engineering and am a co-director on the Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Twins for Healthcare (DT4Health).

I came here from Lancaster University, UK, where I was a Marie-Curie Fellow. Before that, I had been a PhD student and research associate with Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.

In 2007, I received my doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. My doctoral thesis was in the area of non-functional properties of component-based systems and was awarded summa cum laude.

Outside of work, I am most likely to be found a) in front of a book reading stories (well, anything, actually), or b) in rehearsals working on some new theatre play.

selected publications


  1. Potential and Challenges of Assurance Cases for Simulation Validation
    Pia Wilsdorf, Steffen Zschaler, Fiete Haack, and 1 more author
    In 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2024
  2. Requirements for Modelling Tools for Teaching
    Jörg Kienzle, Steffen Zschaler, William Barnett, and 8 more authors
    Software and Systems Modelling 23, 2024
  3. arXiv
    Abstraction Engineering
    Nelly Bencomo, Jordi Cabot, Marsha Chechik, and 4 more authors


  1. We’re Not Gonna Break It! Consistency-Preserving Operators for Efficient Product Line Configuration
    Jose-Miguel HorcasDaniel Strüber, Alexandru Burdusel, and 2 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 49(3), 2023
  2. Trustworthy agent-based simulation: the case for domain-specific modelling languages
    Steffen Zschaler, and Fiona A. C. Polack
    Software and Systems Modelling 22(2), 2023
  3. Supporting Emergency Department Risk Mitigation with a Modular and Reusable Agent-Based Simulation Infrastructure
    Thomas GodfreySteffen Zschaler, Rahul Batra, and 4 more authors
    In 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, 2023
    Also presented at ‘Modellierung 2024’


  1. Automatic generation of atomic multiplicity-preserving search operators for search-based model engineering
    Alexandru Burdusel, Steffen Zschaler, and Stefan John
    Software and Systems Modelling, 2021
  2. Sustaining and Improving Graduated Graph Consistency: A Static Analysis of Graph Transformations
    Science of Computer Programming 214, 2021


  1. Searching for Optimal Models: Comparing Two Encoding Approaches
    Stefan John, Alexandru Burdusel, Robert Bill, and 4 more authors
    In Proc. 12th Int’l Conf. Model Transformations (ICMT’19), 2019
  2. Transformative and Troublesome? Students’ and Professional programmers’ perspectives on difficult concepts in programming
    Lucy YeomansSteffen Zschaler, and Kelly Coate
    ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 19(3), 2019


  1. Deriving Persuasion Strategies Using Search-Based Model Engineering
    Josh Murphy, Alexandru Burdusel, Michael Luck, and 2 more authors
    In 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA’18), 2018


  1. GTS Families for the Flexible Composition of Graph Transformation Systems
    Steffen Zschaler, and Francisco Durán
    In 20th Int’l Conf. Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE’17), 2017
  2. Amalgamation of Domain Specific Languages with Behaviour
    Francisco Durán, Antonio Moreno-Delgado, Fernando Orejas, and 1 more author
    Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 86(1), 2017


  1. Correct Reuse of Transformations is Hard to Guarantee
    Rick Salay, Steffen Zschaler, and Marsha Chechik
    In Proc. 9th Int’l Conf Model Transformations (ICMT’16), 2016


  1. Formal Specification of Non-functional Properties of Component-Based Software Systems: A Semantic Framework and Some Applications Thereof
    Steffen Zschaler
    Software and Systems Modelling 9, Apr 2009