Applying model-driven engineering to make developing digital twins and other simulations easier, cheaper, and safer
Digital twins are digital representations of real-world assets that are kept in sync and allow in-silico experimentation, reducing cost and risk. Developing them requires significant modelling and simulation expertise and can only be achieved by bringing together a wider range of expertise. Many of the key stakeholders don’t have the technical expertise for software development, but the software developers don’t have the domain expertise. Trust in digital twins is essential, but difficult to maintain because of this gap in expertise and the resulting lack of transparency.
These challenges make this a particularly fruitful area of application for model-driven engineering. Domain-specific modelling languages (DSMLs) will allow capturing domain knowledge explicitly and can act as the interface between domain and simulation engineering, including supporting the capture and maintenance of trust arguments. We need to develop the technology for this.
There are lots of exciting application domains in which to do this research. Current and previous students have worked in healthcare and computational biology. Finance, security, supply-chain management, construction / civil engineering, and other engineering areas are all relevant areas of application.
@article{ZschalerPolack23,author={Zschaler, Steffen and Polack, Fiona A. C.},title={Trustworthy agent-based simulation: the case for domain-specific modelling languages},journal={Software and Systems Modelling},pages={455--470},volume={22},number={2},year={2023},url={},doi={10.1007/s10270-023-01082-9},}
Model-Driven Engineering of Digital Twins (Dagstuhl Seminar 22362)
@article{cleophas_et_al:DagRep.12.9.20,author={Cleophas, Loek and Godfrey, Thomas and Khelladi, Djamel Eddine and Lehner, Daniel and Combemale, Benoit and Rumpe, Bernhard and Zschaler, Steffen},title={{Model-Driven Engineering of Digital Twins (Dagstuhl Seminar 22362)}},pages={20--40},journal={Dagstuhl Reports},issn={2192-5283},year={2023},volume={12},number={9},editor={Combemale, Benoit and Rumpe, Bernhard and Zschaler, Steffen},publisher={Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"u}r Informatik},address={Dagstuhl, Germany},url={},urn={urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-178080},doi={10.4230/DagRep.12.9.20},annote={Keywords: Software Engineering, Model-Driven Engineering, Digital Twins, Model Management, Data Management, Models@runtime},}
Report on Workshop: Planning the Future of Agent Simulation
@article{PolackZschaler20,author={Polack, Fiona and Zschaler, Steffen},title={Report on Workshop: Planning the Future of Agent Simulation},journal={Artificial Life Journal},volume={26},number={2},year={2020},}
@inproceedings{WilsdorfEtAl24,author={Wilsdorf, Pia and Zschaler, Steffen and Haack, Fiete and Uhrmacher, Adelinde M.},booktitle={2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)},title={Potential and Challenges of Assurance Cases for Simulation Validation},year={2024},pages={2166--2177},doi={10.1109/WSC63780.2024.10838818},keywords={Accuracy;Computational modeling;Safety;Reliability;Context modeling;Computational biology},url={},}
@inproceedings{GodfreyEtAl23,author={Godfrey, Thomas and Zschaler, Steffen and Batra, Rahul and Douthwaite, Sam and Edgeworth, Jonathan and Edwards, Matthew and Miles, Simon},title={Supporting Emergency Department Risk Mitigation with a Modular and Reusable Agent-Based Simulation Infrastructure},booktitle={2023 Winter Simulation Conference},year={2023},url={},doi={10.5555/3643142.3643155},note={Also presented at `Modellierung 2024'},}
A Methodology for DSML-assisted Participatory Agent-Based Enterprise Modelling
Thomas Godfrey, Rahul Batra, Sam Douthwaite, and 3 more authors
In 15th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM’22), 2022
@inproceedings{GodfreyEtAl22,author={Godfrey, Thomas and Batra, Rahul and Douthwaite, Sam and Edgeworth, Jonathan and Miles, Simon and Zschaler, Steffen},title={A Methodology for {DSML}-assisted Participatory Agent-Based Enterprise Modelling},booktitle={15th {IFIP} {WG 8.1} Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling ({PoEM}'22)},year={2022},url={},doi={10.1007/978-3-031-21488-2_13},}
A Community-Sourced View on Engineering Digital Twins: A Report from the EDT Community
@inproceedings{CloephasEtAl22,author={Cleophas, Loek and Godfrey, Thomas and Khelladi, Djamel Eddine and Lehner, Daniel and Combemale, Benoit and van den Brand, Mark and Vierhauser, Michael and Wimmer, Manuel and Zschaler, Steffen},title={A Community-Sourced View on Engineering Digital Twins: A Report from the {EDT} Community},booktitle={2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering of Digital Twins -- ModDiT'22},year={2022},}
@inproceedings{ZschalerPolack20,author={Zschaler, Steffen and Polack, Fiona},title={A Family of Languages for Trustworthy Agent-Based Simulation},booktitle={13th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE'20)},year={2020},}